​Deploying clean Hydrogen Economy in Bulgaria together

We advocate, collaborate, network, and research to pave the way for affordable, zero emission hydrogen technologies.

Hydrogen Momentum

H2 Momentum


H2 Roadmap

Policy and Legislation

Policy & Legislation

Sector Integration

Sector Integration

Hydrogen Momentum BG

BGH2A is a national association which promotes the hydrogen and fuel cell technologies in Bulgaria and the region.

We provide a network for research, development and deployment ensuring opportunities for joint efforts of science and business. We advocate towards the national and regional policy makers for unlocking the opportunities and potential of the technologies and ensuring that the Bulgarian regulatory framework enables the role of hydrogen in our society. Through wide dissemination of good practices, we aim to achieve a better understanding of the hydrogen and fuel cell applications and the rules and procedures for their deployment as part of the common European strategy for climate neutral Europe.

As a member of Hydrogen Europe, we at BGH2A actively participate in the shaping of the European Hydrogen policy. Our current members represent all the major parties from the Bulgarian hydrogen environment united around the idea of the hydrogen economy. We are one of the first members of Clean Hydrogen Alliance elected to take part in the Round Table of Clean Hydrogen production where we advocate for even distribution of hydrogen production between the regions and countries, which is missing in today’s European hydrogen map.

Our Members

Why hydrogen


of the universe is made of hydrogen

Hydrogen, the lightest and most abundant element in the universe, can be used on planet Earth as a storehouse for renewable energy. This will make our economy clean, circular and sector-integrated through the deployment of hydrogen technologies. If in the beginning of the twenty-first century this was still a strategic goal, now it is already a realistic opportunity with the main advantage to ensure large scale decarbonization, which we need to save our planet.

“waste product” from using hydrogen – WATER

Hydrogen can be obtained by electrolysis, i.e. by splitting water to hydrogen and oxygen using renewable energy and to regenerate electricity through fuel cells when and where needed – in industry, household, transport. The waste product from this conversion is again water, i.e. the energy cycle is circular: “from water to water”, as it is in the natural water cycle. But hydrogen is also a valuable raw material for a number of industries – steel production, ammonia, refineries.


potential decarbonization in Bulgaria by 2050

Replacing hydrogen production from natural gas with electrolysis will automatically bring to a significant decarbonization of the economy. The analysis of hydrogen application zones shows that, like fossil fuels (coal, oil), hydrogen is a universal energy carrier and raw material and can be the backbone of the hydrogen economy, providing it with full sector integration.