Hydrogen Roadshow in Bulgaria

Hydrogen power is the power of future. We will welcome and experience it in Bulgaria in June 2024. The arrival of the Roadshow featuring a hydrogen powered bus marks the start of the Hydrogen E-Mobility Days in Sofia (June 17-20) and Stara Zagora (June 24-26). The event is organized by the Bulgarian Hydrogen, Fuel Cell and Energy Storage Association (BGH2A), with financial support from the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and the JIVE 1 and 2 projects. These projects aim to introduce 300 new zero-emission fuel cell buses and build the necessary refueling infrastructure in six EU member states.
Come ride the Caetano Toyota bus and test drive the Hyundai NEXO SUV. Harness the power of hydrogen!
Visit the Hydrogen Roadshow page or download the event program for more information.